In the consultation Camden states that they propose measures to improve the public realm and reduce bus journey times through the junction of Heath Street, East Heath Road and West Heath Road in Hampstead.
We note that buses 268 and 603 run along Heath Street through this junction.
They list the following problems:
- The staggered arrangement of East Heath Road and West Heath Road means that it is difficult to turn right or travel straight ahead when exiting West Heath Road
- pedestrians crossing the northern arm of the junction over Heath Street have to cross away from the their desire line
- southbound traffic on Heath Street is held while pedestrians cross East Heath Road
They propose the following measures:
- Reconfigure the layout of the junction so that Wets Heath Road faces East Heath Road (by narrowing the former to a single lane on approach to the junction).
- Separate ahead and left turning movements on the southbound approach.
Camden predicts the following effects
For walking:
- Shorter and more direct pedestrian crossings. Wider footways.
- But there’s a very poor two stage crossing with island over West Heat Road.
- Not clear about northbound on Heath Street: is the ped refuge to stay?
For Cycling:
- Advanced cycle stop lines have been added to all arms of the junction except Heath Street southbound (to allow for safe exit from Whitestone Lane). According to the drawing, this doesn’t seem to be true for East Heath Road.
- See the consultation drawing
See the consultation on Camden’s website:
CycleScape discussion
CCC’s response
East Heath Road response from CCC Jan 2019
Officer’s report
See the revised design in Appendix C which makes some very minor improvements for cycling.