CCC audit Judd-Midland 21 May 2019

Audit of Midland Road – Judd Street May 2019
We walked and cycled the route in both directions between the junction with Pancras Road and the top of Judd Street. We feet that the implementation of the scheme is of a very high standard: The surface of the cycle tracks is beautifully smooth; The stepped tracks provide appropriate segregation for this road (although we have some concerns where it is adjacent to the taxi rank, explained below) and their width allows overtaking; The junction at Euston Road functions very well, allowing people to make all the available turns without interaction with motor vehicles.
The junction with Pancras Road functions very well for people on the N-S alignment, but as we have noted before, it has a single critical failure out of the six possible movements, i.e. the commonly-used right-turn movement out of the the rail overbridge, the other five movements being fully protected from interaction with motor vehicles.