A scheme for a westbound stepped track was consulted in August 2018.
We discussed that consultation here
See Camden’s decision in favour and officer’s report on that scheme here
In January we met with officers to discuss Camden’s concern about the width of the cycle track and the concerns in our response to the consultation. This has resulted in significant changes to the design which are listed in this consultation:
1. Changing the 1.5m westbound ‘stepped’ cycle track on Prince of Wales Road to a predominantly protected cycle lane, of up to 2m wide, at street level (the location of the cycle lane remains the same as the public consultation proposals).
2. Continuous footways to be provided at junctions with side roads, in order to provide pedestrian priority.
3. Revisions to the cycle cut through at the Malden Road/ Prince of Wales Road junction, to emphasise pedestrian priority through removing the shared space and providing a designated space for cyclists.
4, Removal of the proposed cycle cut through at the Prince of Wales Road/ Haverstock Hill junction, to ensure pedestrian priority at this location.
5.Relocation of the Prince of Wales Road/ Craddock Street informal, pedestrian crossing to the eastern side of the junction with Craddock Street. In addition, the footway will be built out on both sides of the road to reduce the total crossing distance.
6. Removal of four residents’ parking bays on Prince of Wales Road, opposite the junctions with Talacre Road (3 bays) and Ryland Road (1 bay) to allow access for cyclists, coming from Talacre Road and Ryland Road, into the westbound cycle track.
Notes related to the above points
Note that the numbers have been marked in red on the consultation drawings
1. The proposed 1.5m stepped track is mostly behind parked cars and has a 0.5 m buffer. We would have preferred a 2m stepped track but were told funding would not have covered this.
We have been advised that there will be
– a 2m-wide stepped track from Queen’s Crescent to Haverstock Hill.
– armadillos in the short sections that are not behind parked cars
2. This refers to blended junctions which were agreed at the January meeting. The drawings confirm that not only the footway but also the cycle lane is marked across these junctions. e.g. Harmood St, Crogsland Rd, Hadley Street, Silas pPlace, Truro Street and Craddock Street. In addition, footways are shown to cross the junction on the north side of the road as well, e.g. at Talacre Road, Dalby Street, Ryland Road.
3. The cut through is shown on sheet 10. We asked for the cut through to be at roadway level and suggested a zebra marking across it. (Maybe that will be in detail design).
4. A minor loss for cyclists who will still have to wait for the green signal.
5. See sheet 5.
6. This was an essential change!
In addition, we made the following requests
Bus stop bypasses
We have been advised that zebra markings will be in the detail design
Future-proofing Haverstock Hill
We suggested relocating the island so as to make the two carriageways equal in width (we estimate about 5.25m) to provide space for 2m cycle tracks/lanes on both sides of the road.
Officers confirm that this is included.
All advisory cycle tracks should be mandatory.
The following is still marked as advisory
• Southbound on Haverstock Hill.
But these have been upgraded to mandatory
• Malden Road junction: eastbound feeder on PoW and westbound cycle lane west of the junction
See this consultation on Camden’s website
CycleScape discussion
CCC’s response
CCC response to Prince of Wales Road Cycling and Walking Improvement Scheme TMO Consultation
Officer’s Report and Decision
Report and decision here – 13 June
Signed off and work to be done 2019-20