Damian CarringtonMon 12 Aug 2019 06.30 BST
Bright Blue calls for zero VAT on electric cars and rewards for reporting idling vehicles
The report said the freeze on fuel duty rises should end as it contributed to an increase of traffic by 4%. Photograph: milehightraveler/Getty Images
Vehicle fuel taxes should rise to combat the air pollution crisis in the UK, with an extra charge on diesel, according to the conservative thinktank Bright Blue.
A report calls for VAT to be abolished on electric cars and for citizens to be able to report idling vehicles and receive a share of fines levied. It also proposes that the speed limit in all urban areas is cut from 30mph to 20mph and that local authorities should be able to profit from pollution charging schemes to fund clean-air projects.
Most urban areas in the UK register illegal levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) pollution, which mainly comes from vehicles. But while Britain’s particulate levels are legal, they are above World Health Organization guidelines, which Bright Blue said should be the targets adopted by the UK. Polling for the thinktank showed 70% of people in the UK were concerned about the health impact of air pollution and wanted government action.
Raise car fuel prices to fight air pollution, says rightwing thinktank | The Guardian
Damian CarringtonMon 12 Aug 2019 06.30 BST Bright Blue calls for zero VAT on electric cars and rewards for reporting idling vehicles The report said the freeze on fuel duty rises should end as it contributed to an increase of traffic by 4%. Photograph: milehightraveler/Getty Images Vehicle fuel taxes should rise to combat the air… [Read More]