The Illustrated City: Despite its traffic, for cyclists, Manhattan is a contained sprawl that unfolds like a pop-up book, its history evident everywhere
Marcellus Hall
Fri 20 Sep 2019 11.00 BSTMarcellus Hall is a New York-based illustrator. His debut graphic novel, Kaleidoscope City, was published in 2018 by Bittersweet Editions; more of his work can be found on his website as well as on Facebook and Instagram
‘Motorists undercut any confidence you ever had in the human race’: New York cycling – a cartoon | The Guardian
The Illustrated City: Despite its traffic, for cyclists, Manhattan is a contained sprawl that unfolds like a pop-up book, its history evident everywhere Marcellus Hall Fri 20 Sep 2019 11.00 BST Marcellus Hall is a New York-based illustrator. His debut graphic novel, Kaleidoscope City, was published in 2018 by Bittersweet Editions; more of his work… [Read More]