10 May 2018
Responding to the Secretary of State’s decision on the Silvertown Tunnel planning application, Bridget Fox, sustainable transport campaigner at Campaign for Better Transport, said:
“This is a bad decision for Londoners and sets a poor precedent for the rest of the country. Committing billions to build this four-lane road in east London will generate new traffic, worsen the environment, and undermine the many positive goals in the Mayor’s Transport Strategy.
“The £1 billion cost could be so much better spent: it could fund over 2,500 electric buses, build over 300 miles of cycle superhighway or pay for the Barking Riverside rail link four times over. Bland assurances that future pollution can be controlled by varying the user charge will not allay the concerns of communities affected by the proposal.
“Permission to build is not obligation to build: we urge the Mayor and TfL to think again and abandon these damaging plans.”
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