In the summer of 2019, Camden Council held the UK’s first Citizens’ Assembly on the climate crisis.
The proposed Climate Action Plan proposes the first of two 5-year programmes towards vision of a zero carbon Camden by 2030.
Four main themes emerged – the first two being relevant to our campaign
- People who live, work, study and visit Camden
- Camden’s public spaces
- Camden’s buildings.
- All organisations in Camden .
Camden’s Proposal for People
People who live, work, study and visit Camden will be well informed and actively contribute to tackling the climate crisis in all aspects of their lives;
People will need to use lower carbon goods, food and services; walk, cycle or take public transport instead of driving if they are able; and change the way homes and other buildings are heated and powered
See Section 3 of the Doc: people need more than just information – what can we suggest?
Camden’s Proposal for Public Spaces
The immediate actions include:
1. From 2020, trial the closure of Camden High Street to traffic around the market with a view to a permanent closure.
2. Over 2020-21, create new segregated cycle routes in line with the Camden Transport Strategy
while programme development includes:
3. Progress a range of transformational projects as set out in the Camden Transport Strategy which prioritise sustainable modes of travel.
4. Lead the delivery of transformational low emission transport projects in Holborn, Camden Town, Kentish Town and Frognal by 2023
5. Increase the number of street closures around schools through the Healthy School Streets programme.
6. Increase the number of segregated cycle routes in Camden as identified in the Camden Transport Strategy (CTS).
My immediate thoughts on the above
#2 and #6: CTS was written before the Climate Action plan, therefore the cycle network should be progressed much faster
#5: we support
#4: “low emission transport projects” gives the wrong idea – we need a vast reduction in the number of motor vehicles – electric ones being used only when essential. On CTS, Holborn is a liveable neighbourhood project and Kentish Town a Healthy Streets project.
#3. Perhaps we could suggest a few?
Could we ask them to progress our project on barriers to cycling to school?
They don’t mention where this will come from.
Consultation on Camden’s website
where there is a survey form and a link to the details of the plan.
CycleScape discussion
CCC’s response
CCC response to Camden Climate Action Plan consultation