Jonathon Harker24 March, 2020
Cycling Industries Europe (CIE) has launched a COVID-19 taskforce to support members, with a series of webcasts that kick off on 26 March.
With the news that (in the UK) bike shops can remain open while most of the rest of the country is on lockdown to prevent the spread of coronavirus, the cycling industry supply chain must continue to function. The challenges of remaining operational will be among the topics grappled with by the taskforce.
CIE said: “We recognise the very significant business and personal challenges that the current outbreak of Coronavirus creates for all sectors of the cycling industries of Europe. Our cycling industries are an important part of Europe. We support more than 650,000 jobs, we invest in green and sustainable technologies and we will continue to bring many benefits to Europe in coming years. Right now it is vital that we work together effectively to make sure our industry comes through this in the very best possible health, along with our employees, suppliers and customers.”
This Thursday 26 March, the COVID-19 taskforce webinar series of Member Briefings about the impact of Coronavirus on the cycling industries will provide an international overview of current news on the economic and financial impacts, a run-through of relief, recovery and funding aid packages available and discussing how to strengthen the position of the cycling industries to be best prepared for the recovery period. These webinars are open to all staff of member companies and places are limited, so CIE has urged members to register.
CIE also has a new contact service for members’ Coronavirus queries and to help share information from members and partners (covid19

Cycling Industries Europe launches COVID-19 ‘taskforce’: “It’s vital we work together”
Jonathon Harker24 March, 2020 Cycling Industries Europe (CIE) has launched a COVID-19 taskforce to support members, with a series of webcasts that kick off on 26 March. With the news that (in the UK) bike shops can remain open while most of the rest of the country is on lockdown to prevent the spread of… [Read More]