By Detective Superintendent Andy Cox, Metropolitan Police
Every death on our roads is tragic and unacceptable and, as the Metropolitan Police lead for Vision Zero, I see first-hand the utter devastation caused by serious and fatal collisions.
Despite significant progress to reduce road danger over the last decade, more can and must be done. The police and all those with a responsibility for managing, operating and enforcing roads must be relentless in our combined efforts to reduce road danger and protect people.
In London, the Vision Zero aspiration is bold; no deaths or serious injuries on London’s roads by 2041, and we need bold partnership action and substantial societal change to make this aspiration reality.
I passionately believe in roads policing and know it has an integral role in saving life, tackling crime and improving public confidence.
All too often the dangerous driver is involved in other forms of criminality; by example, research in London indicates two thirds of uninsured drivers are active in other crime and these drivers pose a 6-7 times higher risk of being involved in a fatal collision. Recognising this criminal link helps ensure policing resource levels are optimised.
Frustratingly, sections of the public criticise roads policing enforcement suggesting it is revenue-raising and traffic officers should instead catch criminals. We need to change this uninformed view and can do so by introducing an extensive communication strategy highlighting the risks to life, links to crime and support of law abiding road users.
The Police can never alone solve road safety issues and must have joined-up collective partnership working. We established a stakeholder forum to facilitate meaningful dialogue between key identified stakeholders by introducing an ‘Independent Advisory Group’ – the first in the country dedicated to road safety. Being transparent and with active engagement, discussions, better informed understanding and decision-making.
Strategic benefits have been realised through joined-up working and increased funding provision. To be effective, roads policing must have an intelligent-led focus on the few rather than the many, by targeting the most risky roads, people and themes.
Aspiring for Vision Zero in London | Road Safety Support – Andy Cox, Metropolitan Police
22.04.2020 By Detective Superintendent Andy Cox, Metropolitan Police Every death on our roads is tragic and unacceptable and, as the Metropolitan Police lead for Vision Zero, I see first-hand the utter devastation caused by serious and fatal collisions. Despite significant progress to reduce road danger over the last decade, more can and must be done…. [Read More]