Camden Council proposes to build a pop-up cycle lane eastbound on Prince of Wales Road, linking directly to C6 via Castlehaven and Castle Roads. The separation will be by means of flexible wands, as in Goodsway.
The consultation on this scheme is now open. Please add your comments to Camden’s CommonPlace site.
Bus Stops will be maintained using a combination of temporary bus stop bypasses and shared use bus boarders.
A couple of zebra crossings will be converted to Tigers (parallel cycle and pedestrian crossings).
All car parking spaces on the north side of PoW will be removed.
This Commonplace comment, requesting an eastbound cycle lane on Prince of Wales Road, was “agreed” with by 10 other individuals.
The changes will be implemented under an Experimental Traffic Order (ETO).
The work will be done in three phases, with line markings and wands being installed first followed by removal of buildouts, temporary kerbs and drainage works before finally installing traffic signal changes. Subject to approval, the scheme would commence construction from early July 2020.
See the 22nd June decision on Camden’s website where you can download the officer’s report and detailed drawings:
Traffic orders for the parking removal and the conversion of the zebra crossing are published here. 25 June 2020.
Work started late July and almost completed by early September
All lanes and flexible bollards in place; good amendment to entry at Queen’s Crescent; two SUBBs built and one to go; build out cut back; one zebra converted to Tiger, one more to go,
See photos of work on Flickr