Camden Council proposes to build pop up cycle lanes on York Way (between Freight Lane and Wharfdale Road) – “Phase 1” of the York Way scheme; Phase 2 will be brought forward separately and continues the route on York Way north from Freight Lane to Camden Park Road/Hungerford Road.
The consultation on this scheme is now open. Please add your comments to Camden’s CommonPlace site.
York Way is a primary cycle route in the borough-wide cycle network in the Cycling Action Plan
- Mandatory cycle lanes on both sides of the road, protected by “light segregation” using flexible ‘wand and kerb’ sets.
- Minimum motor vehicle lane widths (3.25m) will be maintained along the full length of the road, with the cycle lanes using the rest of the width of the road, thus varying in width between 1.5m and 2.6m (only reducing to 1.3m at one short pinch point)
- Where there is inset parking (on Camden’s side only), access is maintained through the installation of ‘Orcas’ for short stretches that can be driven over. Note: there is an example between Beaconsfield Street and Tapper Walk (StreetView ). But the lane here is marked as mandatory which nobody can drive over.
- additional cycle logos and advisory lane markings are be provided to guide cyclists across junctions and improve driver awareness of the increased presence of cyclists. Advanced stop lines are being increased to 7.5m long
- Shared use bus stops (SUBBs) as described in Appendix B
- The scheme will be introduced under an Experimental Traffic Order (ETO), over an 18 month trial period.
Phase 1 construction starts early July.
Phase 2 construction: Early – Mid August: SUBBs
Phase 3 Aug – Sept; Junction improvements at Goodsway, Copenhagen Street, Freight Lane
See the 25th June decision on Camden’s website where you can download the officer’s report and detailed drawings:
Work started 7th July
See photos of progress on Flickr