As carbon emissions took a sudden turn for the worst this week, as lockdowns across the globe were eased, a top climate scientist has warned that building more roads “would be very detrimental &…
Who we are
We are a new national network with over 50 years of campaigning experience between us. We have formed to empower communities fighting destructive road schemes and bus cuts, in order to tackle climate change, reduce social inequality, improve air quality, and protect green spaces and nature.
We want to challenge Road Investment Strategy 2 (RIS2), published on 11 March alongside the Budget. Ministers described it as England’s “largest ever” road-building programme. It involves spending £27.4 billion by 2025 on thousands of miles of roads from Cornwall to Northumberland – at a time of climate and ecological emergency.
Help us take the Department for Transport to court
This February, the Court of Appeal ruled Heathrow expansion plans were illegal because the Department for Transport (DfT) had ignored the Paris climate agreement. In light of this historic judgment we wrote to the DfT to ask it to rethink road plans but never even received an acknowledgement. Instead it went ahead and published RIS2. With your help we can make the Secretary of State for Transport answer to the High Court.
We need to urgently raise £38,000 to launch a judicial review of the DfT’s decision to plough on despite the climate emergency. We know it’s a tough time to ask for money but legal rules mean allow just a few weeks to challenge this multi-billion pound decision. Otherwise the DfT will be unaccountable to the public and the planet. Each pound you donate could divert almost a million pounds from this unprecedented roads programme.
If you are able to please donate, and please share this page far and wide.