Finding your way on London’s cycle infrastructure (Part 2) – LCC
Signage of cycle routes in London is a mess – there’s now a mix of Sustrans National Cycle Network signs, London Cycle Network, the original Cycle Superhighway/Quietway and the new Cycleway signage. London now has LCN5, CS5, Q5 and C5. Quietway route 5 was partly rebranded C5, and Q5 replaced some bits of the old LCN route (but the old signage and paint wasn’t removed where it remains, in weird disconnected sections). What does a 5 painted on the road mean? Answers on a postcard, please. And does anyone understand the point of un-numbered bits of Q or C signage that appear without destinations? So there’s a bit of good cycle route there but it’s up to you to work out if it takes you anywhere useful. Great.