Right now, there’s a war of words raging over the future direction of London emerging from the Covid-19 crisis.
The vast majority of people in the UK, including London, support the general principles of reallocating roadspace away from cars and towards walking, cycling and public transport. That emerges in survey after survey, most recently from a YouGov poll conducted by the #bikeisbest coalition which found 6.5 people support measures to enable more walking and cycling for every one person who opposes such moves.

LCC & Urban Movement launch new engagement & consultation guide & webinar – LCC
Active travel schemes implemented during Covid-19 were already facing significant backlash, now the government’s new “Gear Change” document calls for “a clear stakeholder engagement plan… to increase political and public acceptance” of schemes.
LCC and Urban Movement’s new guide to “How To Talk To People About The Future Of Their Streets” launches today to enable councils, officers and urban practitioners to engage and avoid backlash better.