• By Simon Still (LCC Staff) on at 10:48am 25 September 2020

“At All Times” TfL Bus Lane Trial – help needed! – LCC
TfL have made more than 80km of London’s bus lanes ‘’At All Times” and every day of the week as part of the Streetspace programme (Details and consultation). For existing cyclists this is a big win, extending the hours when bus lanes offer some protection and hopefully stopping some of the most dangerous driver behaviour out of bus lane hours.
To the best of our knowledge all *red routes* within the following boroughs are now “At Any Time”. Rolling out a change this big overnight was impressive but there’s some snagging to be done. The existing signs have been modified with stickers but it seems that some have been missed.
You can help by reporting them to us and we’ll collate and pass on to TfL.
Email your reports to LondonCyclingData@lcc.org.uk