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Dispute erupts over Richmond’s first protected cycle lane |
Sam Petherick
Richmond’s transport chief has made a passionate argument for the protected cycle lane on Kew Road after a petition was launched calling for its immediate cancellation.
Locals are said to be “furious” about the lane, saying the removal of parking outside Kew Gardens has led to visitors taking spaces outside their homes.
Residents of Kew Green, where coaches carrying visitors to the gardens are now being re-routed, have also expressed their worries about a rise in pollution.
The cycle lane consists of three sections roughly 500m each on both sides of the road. A system of raised posts (known as wands and armadillos) separates cyclists from vehicular traffic.
It was unveiled in late September as Richmond’s first protected cycle space and will last for 18 months with the first six acting as a consultation phase.
Cllr Alexander Ehmann (Lib Dems) is deputy leader of Richmond Council and chair of the Transport and Air Quality Committee.