Camden are planning to introduce protected cycle lanes on both side of Haverstock Hill from the junction with Prince of Wales Road to Belsize Avenue northbound and from Rowland Street southbound. There will be a mandatory (but unprotected) cycle lane southbound from Pond Street.
These lanes will connect with the new lanes on Prince of Wales Road and the lanes in progress on Chalk Farm Road and represent a big step in extending Camden’s planned cycle network.
You can see the plans here
The scheme will be introduced under an Experimental Traffic Order (ETO), over an 18 month trial period.
As background – Haverstock Hill is identified as a key cycle route in Camden’s Transport Plan. The Covid emergency has caused Camden to accelerate this plan (in line with Government requirements). The lanes are experimental (will be reviewed after 12-18 months) and are supported by organisations including the Royal Free Hospital. Camden used the ETO procedures and notified everyone within the corridor and all local groups but there is a vociferous opposition supported by Conservative councillors who seem to think that the convenience of people wanting to park motor vehicles is more important than safe provision for active travel.
Many of the protesters refer to ‘increased congestion’ but the cycle lanes will be accommodated almost entirely in roadspace that is currently used for parking. ‘Increased congestion’ is a conditioned reflex from motorists to any reallocation of space on the roads. None have suggested an alternative way to provide this vital link in the safe cycling network. And there is plenty of evidence of the economic benefits of improvements for walking an cycling (see for example or
See the 6th November decision on Camden’s website where you can download the officer’s report and detailed drawings:
Please give your support for the idea of providing cycle lanes on Haverstock Hill on Camden’s Commonplace page:
Revocation of ETO published 10 Feb 2021
A consultation will follow.