Camden Council has recently installed Pop-up cycle lanes on York Way. They are now consulting on proposals for three of the signalised junctions.
Agar Grove / Brewery Road junction
- Modernisation of the signals to enable a 4 second early release for cyclists on the northern and southern arm
- Addition of pedestrian countdown* on all arms
- Addition of an Advanced Stop Line (ASL) for cyclists on Brewery Road
Freight Lane junction
- Modernisation of the signals to enable a 4 second early release for cyclists on the northern and southern arm
- New pedestrian phases added to the southern and western arm (currently there are no dedicated pedestrian phases at this intersection)
- Addition of pedestrian countdown on all arms
- New or extended ASLs on all arms
- Protected junction ‘bypass’ for southbound cyclists
- New advisory lane marked through the intersection for northbound cyclists, with coloured tarmac
Handyside Street / Copenhagen Street junction
- Modernisation of the signals to enable a 4 second early release for cyclists on the northern and southern arm
- Addition of pedestrian countdown on all arms
- Lengthening of ASLs on the northern and southern arm
- Advisory lanes marked through the intersection for north and southbound cyclists, with coloured tarmac
Consultation on Camden’s website
CycleScape discussion
CCC’s response
CCC response to York Way junctions consultation Dec 2020
Decision in favour 2nd Feb 2021
Construction Feb-Apr 2021