Camden Council, Brent Council and Westminster Council are consulting on the following joint proposals for the section of Kilburn High Road from West End Lane to Greville Place.:
- Extending bus lanes and standardising bus lane hours
- Changing a zebra crossing to a signalised pedestrian crossing
- Adding more trees
- Widening the pavement
- Providing more informal crossing points and a central island
- Adding new cycle lanes and longer Advanced Stop Lines
If the scheme goes ahead, it will be implemented under an ETO with a further consultation after 12 months from the start of the ETO period.
This is so bad…
- The bus lanes are on the northbound (west side of KHR) apart from the stretch between Cambridge Avenue and Belsize Road and operate only Mon-Fri 7-10 and 4-7pm. Weekends 10am – 7pm. Surely Camden has a policy of 24/7 bus lanes?
- The mandatory cycle lanes are on the southbound (west) side. They have the same hours of operation as the bus lanes. WHY not full time? They look to be narrow – how wide ? They should be protected with flexible bollards
- Taxi rank inside lane outside Marriott Hotel
- No road space allocated for cycles on either side between Belsize Road and Greville Road. Four lanes for motor vehicles. This could be re-designed to use only three lanes e.g. on Kentish town Road between Islip Street and Holmes Road. This would allow room for cycle lanes on both sides of the road.
- The informal pedestrian crossing with refuge outside the station will need to go. It should be relocated at junction with Belsize Road.
- -Junction with Belsize Road. No right turn even for cycles. Could ove NB stop line back to allow ped crossing over southern arm and right turn for cycles.
Drawing here
Loading and parking plans
This explains the hours of operation of cycle lanes and bus lanes. Loading on KHR allowed all the time they are not in operation.
Consultation on Camden’s website
CycleScape discussion
CCC’s response
CCC response to Lower Kilburn High Road consultation Jan 2021
Officer’s report