BBC News Issues Important Correction: “We Agree That LTNs Do Not Prevent Cars From Being Used” – Forbes
Carlton Reid 13/4/21
BBC News will be issuing a correction to an incorrect statement one of its primetime presenters made about “low traffic neighborhoods,” or LTNs. On BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme, broadcast on March 31, presenter Nick Robinson said: “But more and more councils are doing these low traffic neighborhoods where you … cannot use your car.”
The installation of LTNs prevent the use of local roads as “rat-runs” but they do not prevent residents or visitors from access in motor vehicles.
The BBC correction follows a letter to the corporation from Lilian Greenwood, the MP for Nottingham South and an officer of the All-Party Parliamentary Group of Cycling and Walking.
Greenwood told the BBC that “it is not the case that in Low Traffic Neighborhoods you cannot use your car …all residential properties remain accessible, albeit via a slightly longer route.”