Cycling campaign to lead with unsustainable stat: “60% of 1 to 2 mile journeys are driven” – Cycle Industry News
Mark Sutton20 April, 2021
The bike industry-backed Cycling Marketing Board will lead a spring/summer campaign with the shock tactic message that 60% of short journeys (between 1 and 2 miles) are driven, calling on people to consider doing their bit to collectively address congestion, pollution and climate issues.
Having already put the DfT data finding to focus groups with the help of qualitative research expert Terry Watkins of TWResearch, the feedback is one of surprise and horror, according to the CMB. Five online focus group sessions were held in London, Manchester, Birmingham and Norwich.
Set to launch later in April, the campaign will ask consumers are you using “the best tool for the job”, using illustrations to demonstrate how society at large is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut by habitually turning to the car for journeys that very often do not require such a large nor polluting vehicle. There will be emphasis that any bike is suitable for short journeys and that specialist gear is not essential to get started.