Camden Council installed Pop-up cycle lanes on York Way last summer as well as consulting on junction improvements later in the year – the proposals at Frieght Lane have now been implemented and work has started at the Agar Grove junction. Camden and Islington Councils are now consulting on proposals to make these permanent.
The proposals include:
- Replacing the temporary ‘kerb and wand’ segregation with a new raised stepped cycle track;
- Improvements at the Goodsway junction
- Tiger crossings close to Market Road (with a two-way lead-in track on the north side of Market Roag to aid right turns), close to Tapper Walk, by the Randalls Road – Beaconsfield Street junction; BUT they propose only a zebra north of the canal where a Tiger is required for access to Granary Square
- Adding new sections of wider pavement to accommodate new trees on both sides of North Road on the Islington side
- Adding blue surfacing across side roads and junctions to highlight the cycle route
- Adding new benches and trees along the route to make walking more pleasant
- Adding blended crossings (where pedestrians have priority) on side roads
- Adding a new bus stop bypass near Star of Kings Pub
- Retaining new junction layouts at the major junctions
- Retaining the shared use bus boarders northbound
- Retaining the existing bus stop bypass near Camden Park Road
Below you can view visualisations of the proposed changes to the scheme currently under consultation which will automatically change while you watch.
They will show you what the area looked like before the scheme, what it looks like now and what the consultation proposals would look like.
Consultation on Camden’s website
CycleScape discussion
CCC’s response
CCC response to York Way consultation Sept 2021
Decision December 2021