Low Traffic Islington
We are #lowtrafficislington. We want safer, quieter and healthier streets for all.
Local groups have sprung up all over Islington to campaign for safer, quieter streets, cleaner air and to support the Council’s drive to create Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) aka People Friendly Streets in Islington-speak. We currently have nine sub-groups with active websites, and thousands of members, Twitter and NextDoor supporters. Our sub-groups actively collaborate with numerous other community groups, and we hold events to celebrate the liberation of our local streets from through traffic. Our members and supporters have grown so much that we decided it was time to come together under one name – say hello to Low Traffic Islington!
Show your love for Low Traffic Islington with our Green Heart poster. Let the Council know you are one of the thousands of Islington residents who want safer, quieter and healthier streets for all.