🛑 Stop A12 Chelmsford to A120 – Deadline 11.59 TODAY (19 Dec) – TAN
Supplementary consultation on A12 Chelmsford to A120, Essex
• Here: https://highwaysengland.citizenspace.com/he/a12chelmsford-to-a120-widening-consultation-nov21/
• Or email in comments to: a12chelmsforda120wide@highwaysengland.co.uk
National Highways are holding a supplementary consultation on the a12 chelmsford to a120 widening scheme on changes made since the statutory consultation in the summer.
Tell national highways not to build more roads and increase traffic growth and carbon in a climate emergency.
In large sections they are leaving the existing A12 dual carriageway in place and putting a six lane dual carriageway next to it. that’s increasing the number of lane by 2.5 X! Even in the DfT’s wildest dreams they are not planning for traffic growth that extreme!
The preliminary environmental impact report (peir) states that the extra traffic would increase carbon emissions by an extra 1,350,926 tonnes over 60 years, but provides no construction emissions. other data is also missing.
The road would also lead to increased air pollution, noise and community severance.
It is particularly bad for active travel (walking and cycling) with most provision poorly designed, inconvenient and unattractive.