No New Roads In Ris3 (2025-2030) – Transport Action Network
Respond To The National Highways Consultation By 31 December 2021National Highways is seeking views on future investment in the strategic roads network (motorways and the main A-roads) in the third Road Investment Strategy (RIS3) (2025-2030). This is the critical period before the ban on the sale of new fossil-fuelled cars begins in 2030. We need to tell National Highways loudly and clearly that they must stop building more nature and climate trashing new roads, and increasing traffic.
Consultation closes 31 December, 2021 (extended from 30 November). You can also email your thoughts to routestrategies@highwaysengland.co.uk if you find the online tool too restrictive (it allows you to give generic feedback but if you want to comment on more than one road or route, you may need to repeat the process).