This Plumber Conducts 95% of His Business by Cargo Bike – treehugger.com
Sami Grover
Shane Topley rented an e-bike during lockdowns as a way to help clean up the city’s air.
Treehugger design editor Lloyd Alter looked at the long history of using cargo bikes for business and asked an interesting and critically pertinent question: “I wonder what combination of difficult parking, high fuel prices, and congestion charges would make this way of doing business viable again.” It’s just possible the answer to that question may simply be “whatever they are doing in London,” because cargo bikes in general (and e-bikes in particular) are becoming ever more commonplace on the streets of the United Kingdom capital.
And then there’s the story of West London plumber Shane Topley, who rented an e-bike during the COVID lockdowns as a way to help clean up the city’s air. His story, first shared by Transport for London (TFL), spotlights how many businesses can embrace e-bikes.