Redhill Street and Cumberland Market are currently used as a cut through between Albany Street and Robert Street.
Camden Council proposes:
- Creating a Healthy School Street outside Christ Church Primary by closing Redhill Street to motor vehicles (from 8am – 9.15am and 2.45pm – 4pm, Monday – Friday, during term time) at both the junctions of Redhill Street with Albany Street using ANPR.
- Closing the area to through traffic at all times by a bollards closure at the junction of Redhill Street with Cumberland Market.
These changes would use an ETO for a maximum trial period of 18 months followed by a decision as to whether to make them permanent.
- Improving the area around Cumberland Market by:
- widening pavements. Removing 14 residents’ parking bays.
- introducing new, raised crossing points to the park
- providing three bike hangars
- installing two new disabled parking bays on Cumberland Market.
These changes would be made permanently and are associated with improvement works to the playground.
Consultation on Camden’s website
CCC’s response
Redhill Street and Cumberland Market Safe and Healthy Streets CCC Response