US – 2015) The True Costs of Driving – transitcenter.org
The amount that road users pay through [fuel] taxes now accounts for less than half of what’s spent to maintain and expand the road system.
A report published earlier this year confirms, in tremendous detail, a very basic fact of transportation that’s widely disbelieved: Drivers don’t come close to paying for the costs of the roads they use.
Eric Thayer / Reuters October 25, 2015
The Cumulative Difference Between Public Spending on Highways and How Much Drivers Pay to Use Them
The Frontier Group/U.S. PIRG
There are good reasons to believe that the methodology of “Who Pays for Roads?” if anything considerably understates the subsidies to private vehicle operation. It doesn’t examine the hidden subsidies associated with the free public provision of on-street parking, or the costs imposed by nearly universal off-street parking requirements, which drive up the price of commercial and residential development.