Consultation 🔴 Help stop the south east being swamped with even more traffic – Transport Action Network
Transport for the South East (TfSE) is consulting on the types of infrastructure it wants built in the South East over the next 30 years.
With the climate and ecological emergency, road building should be the last resort after all other measures have been tried. It is incredibly damaging, increasing traffic, congestion, air and noise pollution, carbon emissions and with negative impacts on nature and our precious countryside.
Unfortunately, TfSE’s plan contains over 90 road schemes, over 50 of which it wants built by 2030. In contrast, while the plan contains ambitious ideas for public transport, these are far less developed, have no delivery plan and risk never being built.
TfSE hides the plan’s true impact on climate change. Even when it admits that its proposals are inadequate, it fails to adjust them to reduce the plan’s carbon footprint (e.g. by cutting the road building programme).
Please help us get this plan back on track. At a time when we are experiencing record temperatures and Europe is once again on fire, this is not the time to be building more roads which will make the problem worse. The consultation ends on 12 September.