A Tiger crossing over Mansfield Road between Estelle Roads and a cut through to Elaine Grove were installed in Summer 2021. This replaced an existing zebra crossing and motor vehicles were forbidden to enter Estelle Road from Mansfield Road.
See our webpage with the details of the consultation for that scheme.
Mansfield Road and Estelle Road Safe and Healthy Streets consultation
Camden is now proposing to make the scheme permanent and is proposing to make some further important improvements:
- a no-right turn restriction for motor vehicles from Estelle Road onto Mansfield Road, to improve safety for those using the crossing.
- raise the Estelle Road/Mansfield Road junction to slow vehicles and provide a level surface for those crossing the road.
- upgrade the cycle approaches to the parallel zebra crossing.
- ntroduce other road safety and public space improvements including: widening the crossing and introducing new trees and benches.
- remove approximately 8m of ‘resident permit holders only’ parking on Estelle Road at the junction with Savernake Road to improve road safety, visibility and access for large vehicles such as fire appliances.
Consultation on Camden’s website
CCC’s response
CCC response to Mansfield Road and Estelle Road consultation Sept 2021
Decision in Favour 5 Jan 2023
But without banning the right turn from Estelle road into Mansfield Road