New report reveals public support for pay-as-you-drive scheme – Campaign for Better Transport
29 September 2022
Half (49 per cent) of people support replacing fuel duty and vehicle excise duty with a pay-as-you-drive scheme and less than a fifth (18 per cent) oppose the idea, according to a new report from Campaign for Better Transport.
Pay-as-you-drive: the British public’s views on vehicle taxation reform examined over 3,000 UK adults’ views on road pricing. It found that three out of five people (60 per cent) believe vehicle taxation needs reforming, with half (49 per cent) supporting the idea of a pay-as-you-drive scheme compared to fewer than one in five (18 per cent) opposing it. What is more, support for reform grew among those surveyed by eight percentage points (from 41 per cent to 49 per cent) once they were presented with options for how such a scheme could be delivered, showing that some initial concerns around road pricing can be overcome.