Residents of cities globally share desire for less car dominance
Mark Sutton Monday, 21 November 2022
Conducted by research group Survation on behalf of the Car Free Megacities campaign, the headline results include the finding that across London, Paris, and New York support for fewer cars being present in cities stood at 72%, 66%, and 72%, respectively.
Alongside that attitude shift, support for giving more space to pedestrians and cyclists on city streets stood at 68%, 70%, and 71% respectively; while support for cities going completely car-free – with exemptions for car-sharing clubs and cars used by disabled people – stood at 51%, 45% and, 49%, respectively.
The primary drivers for the wish to see change amongst citizens hinged on a desire to address air pollution, carbon emissions and dangerous driving. Globally, 21.6% of all emissions come from road transportation, the bulk of which comes from private cars. 81% of Londoners studied suggested they want direct actions to address climate change.