Camden is consulting on making the pop-up cycle lanes permanent as well as many proposed enhancements to the scheme:
- The wand-protected cycle lanes are to be replaced by stepped tracks.
- Continuous footway at side roads: across Eton Road, Downside Crescent, Howitt Road, Glenloch Road, Aspern Grove and Rowland Hill Street.
- It’s not really clear as to whether they are intended to be blended junctions (continuous footway and continuous cycle track, e.g. like this one on Bloomsbury Way at Bedford Avenue)
- Raised tables: across Upper Park Road (why not blended?), Belsize Avenue – bus lane, Ornan Road – bus lane and Belsize Lane – bus lane.
- On the uphill side, two stretches (between Belsize Grove and Howitt Road and from Glenloch Road to the Old Town Hall) where the cycle lane runs behind ‘floating’ parking and loading bays, areas of green and an island for a bus stop bypass (to replace the SUBB that’s just north of Glenloch Road). Have a look at pages 6 and 7 on the consultation plans to see how these work.
- This new design is feasible here where the footway is very wide; the bus stop bypass is preferable to a SUBB where there is high footfall and there’s clearly a need for a few loading and parking bays.
- Raised carriageway between just south of Howitt Road and the Old Town Hall.
The cycle track appears to be at the same level as the carriageway and hence the only protection on the southbound side would be the white (mandatory lane) marking.
- pedestrian crossings to be raised:
- north of Eton Road, north of Steele’s Road, south of Upper Park Road, south of Belsize Grove, south of Ornan Road
- and the already raised zebra crossing near to Rowland Hill Street to be signalised
- Introduce double yellow lines with double blips markings (no parking/waiting at any time) along the 24/7 bus lane on Rosslyn Hill so that buses are not delayed by parked vehicles.
- Add double yellow lines with double blip markings (no parking/waiting at any time) at junctions with side roads to prevent vehicles from parking and loading at the junctions.
- The proposed new disabled bays are in addition to the two disabled bays installed during the trial which are to be retained, bringing the total number of disabled bays on the corridor and adjacent side streets to 18.
Some things we don’t like being retained or added:
- loading bays
- outside Haverstock Tavern Mon-Sat 10 am – noon
- opposite Glenloch Road (and an extra one beside it) Mon-Sat 10 am – noon
- extra one opposite north of Ornan Road. Timed but timing not specified.
- opposite Belsize Lane. All hours
- in line bus stops (southbound side) – not nearly so bad as the loading bays because if there is a bus, it soon leaves but there is a problem with illegal parking at the ends of the areas
- between Rowland Hill Street and Ornan Road
- Just north of tube station
- North of Downside Crescent
- Opposite Antrim Grove
- Between Eton Road and Steeles Road
Snagging issues
- stepped tracks opposite side roads need dropped kerbs (e.g. Belsize Avenue, Eton Avenue, Steele’s Road and Parkhill Road, Antrim Grove, and Upper Park Road)
- turning right out of Downside Cres into the cycle track behind the loading bays or into Downside Crescent requires gaps in parking
- getting off the stepped tracks before occupied loading bays and getting back on again
Consultation on Camden’s website
Drawings here
CCC’s response
CCC Response to Haverstock Hill_ Rosslyn Hill Walking, Cycling and Road Safety Scheme Consultation
Decision in Favour 10 July 2023