Camden Council is consulting on making the Healthy School Street for St Patrick’s School permanent as well as new measures to reduce motor traffic in Holmes Road, Willes Road and Cathcart Street.
The trial of the Healthy School Street for St Patrick’s School has resulted in a significant reduction in motor traffic in Holmes Road during the hours of operation. But there is a significant increase in Willes Road.
Details of proposals
- The ‘8am – 10am’ and ‘2pm – 4pm term time’ Healthy School Street motor vehicle restrictions on Holmes Road to be permanent.
- The ‘at all times’ motor vehicle restriction on Raglan Street to be permanent.
Holmes Road:
- Westbound motor vehicles (except bin lorries and emergency services) to be prohibited west of Raglan Street;
- Widen footway outside St Patrick’s School and remove the parking bays opposite.
Raglan Street
- Improve closure on Raglan Street with footway widening and planting and a bollard in the remaining width;
- Improve entrance to the passage between Raglan Street and Inkerman Road (remove bollards and widen footway making room for trees and planting).
Willes Road
- Bollard closure at the junction with Holmes Road;
- Healthy School Street between Inkerman Road and Holmes Road outside Collège Français Bilingue de Londres. (CFBL). This would operate on Monday to Friday, 8am – 9am and 3:30pm – 4:30pm, during school term times.
- Widen footway outside CFBL.
Cathcart Street
- No Entry for motor vehicles from Holmes Road;
- Widen footway outside CFBL.
Other proposed measures
- Bay for hire bikes and scooters in Anglers Lane – where?
- Also adding logos to the existing bollard in Angler’s Lane;
- Nine new bikehangars;
- Extend double yellow lines to 10m at the four corners of the Inkerman – Willes and Inkerman – Alma – Cathcart junctions;
- Improved tactile paving at the above junctions as well as at Grafton-Inkerman and Raglan/Anglers Lane.
Consultation on Camden’s website
Details, including plans and the consultation response form, are at
and the plans can be accessed directly at
Context of Queen’s Crescent LTN
The area bounded by Mansfield Road -Gordon House Road, Highgate Road-Kentish Town Road, Prince of Wales Road and Malden Road-Southampton Road is shown in the map below. The recent Queen’s Crescent scheme included new road on Queen’s Crescent, Grafton Road and Allcroft Road. Other older filters in this area include road closures on Rhyl Street, Marsden Street and Wilkin Street as well as a No Entry to Inkerman Road at Holmes Road. More recently, Angler’s Lane was closed at Kentish Town Road. The trial school street on Holmes Road (currently under discussion) included a closure on Raglan Street.
The new proposals under consultation include a restriction on Holmes Road at the junction with Raglan Street to stop westbound vehicles continuing along Holmes Road – a very radical proposal that would cut out a potential cut-through between Kentish Town Road and Prince of Wales Road.
As far as we can see the only remaining cut-through between one boundary road and another is the route via Talacre Road, Ryland Road or Grafton Road and eastbound along Holmes Road to Kentish Town Road. So only one step remains to make this a true LTN (with no cut-throughs between the boundary roads) that is, to remove this last cut-through.
Note that the proposed road closure on Willes Road and No Entry on Cathcart Street will prevent cut-throughs between Grafton Road and Angler’s Lane allowing access to Prince of Wales Road without delays at the signal on Grafton Road.
CCC’s response
CCC Response to Holmes Road Area Safe and Healthy Streets Consultation
Camden’s Decision 9 Nov 2023
In favour
New TM proposals to be implemented on 18 month ETO. Jan 2024. Decision without further consultation 2025.
New bikehangars etc TMO
School Street TMO 16 Nov 2023