In the run-up to the by-election in Highgate Ward due to the resignation of Siân Berry, we invited the four candidates to discuss issues in the ward and to provide a statement. Camden and Islington have recently been engaging with residents in the area about creating a Healthy Neighbourhood so it is very topical. For us, the main issue is motor traffic and its effect on air quality and the barriers to active travel both on the main roads and on the residential roads. So far we have met the Lib Dem, Green and Labour candidates and have received statements from the first two of these; we will update this page when we hear from Labour and the Conservatives.
From Lorna Jane Russell (Green Party)
“As a Green Party representative, I am passionate about active travel and improving our cycling infrastructure in Camden. Cycling and walking is not only good for our health but also for the climate and our air quality, so investing in this must be a local priority.
The Dartmouth Park Healthy Neighbourhood consultation represents a huge opportunity to reduce traffic and make cycling easier and safer in our area – but it’s important that Camden and Islington get it right.
This consultation is something that former Green councillor Sian Berry was instrumental in securing and, if elected, I hope to follow in her footsteps and push for ambitious plans from Labour and to scrutinise and challenge Camden Council to be better and bolder.”
From Tricia Leman (Labour Party)
Waiting for statement but in our meeting, Tricia was supportive of measures to reduce motor traffic and emphasised the need to work closely with Islington and Haringey councils.
From Farrell Monk (Liberal Democrats)
“The improvement of cycling infrastructure can transform local areas. The benefits are clear in terms of safety, air quality and of course the environment especially given the climate emergency. Further to the reduction of motor traffic as more people choose two wheels instead of four. This is why I am fully supportive of any measures that would expand the cycling network in Highgate and the surrounding areas. I understand the unique characteristics of Highgate and believe it can further evolve, I am therefore supportive of measures to manage traffic more effectively and would like to more about proposals how we should do this that would benefit cyclists and motorists alike.
I would continue the work that the Liberal Democrat councillors Tom Simon and Scott Emery are doing to extend the cycle network from Spaniards Road to Hampstead Lane, whilst also working with other key people in neighbouring boroughs so we can have a fully connected cycle network to further enhance the lives of Highgate residents.
Labour Council continue to ignore residents across Camden in various areas, preferring to favour revenue over listening to or improving the lives of its residents, sadly Highgate is no different. It is clear from speaking to the residents of Highgate that traffic maintains to be an issue that Camden Council will not address. Residents need a stronger voice at the council level and I will join the growing Liberal Democrat team in the chamber.”
From Wakjira Feyesa (Conservative Party)
Not heard back as of 28/11/23