In January 2023 Camden made a trial area-wide weight restriction ‘except for access’ in the King Henry’s Road area, which prohibits vehicles weighing 7.5 tonnes or more from using the network of residential streets between Avenue Road, Adelaide Road and Primrose Hill Road as a cut-through.
See this page on our website where we describe how a proposed LTN was diluted to produce an area-wide restriction on HGVs specified merely by signs (no road narrowing or cameras).
Monitoring results:
- Average daily motor vehicle traffic volumes fell by 7.9% when comparing the before scheme (11,051 vehicles) and during scheme (10,180 vehicles) data
- Total HGV traffic volumes within the weight restriction area increased by 7.5%, when comparing the before scheme (313 HGVs) and during scheme (337 HGVs vehicles) data. Lower than the average increase recorded on boundary roads (34.3%).
Camden is now consulting on:
- Making the trial 7.5 tonne weight restriction in the King Henry’s Road area permanent.
- Widening pavements on Elsworthy Road outside St Paul’s CE Primary School, removing guardrails and replacing them with a rain garden.
- Two raised tables on Elsworthy Road.
- New zebra on King Henry’s Road to the east of the junction with Elsworthy Rise.
- Improved junctions on Wadham Gardens at Elsworthy Road, Harley Road, and Lower Merton Rise (narrowing and raising).
- 4 new cycle hangars (2 on KHR and 2 on Elsworthy).
- Extending the dockless e-scooter and cycle hire bay on King Henry’s Road.
- Adding double yellow lines at several junctions.
Consultation on Camden’s website
There are speed cushions and no mention of replacing them! See Sheet 5 Wadham /Elsworthy. See Sheet 6 Wadham /Harley
Several more on Elsworthy Road including ~3 between Primrose Hill Road and Merton Rise (~6 altogether)
CCC’s response
CCC Response to King Henry’s Road area Consultation