Current concerns
Swiss Cottage
With the change to a Labour administration in Westminster, we think it is time to revisit the issue of both north-south and east-west cycle routes through the Swiss Cottage area. We’re putting together a working group to consider what we might reasonably campaign for and how to do this, noting the current lack of funding but hoping that at least a joint plan can be developed. For the wider plan, see below.
A campaign started in July 2007. A bypass route was signed via Winchester Road following a CRISP study in 2007. We want the gyratory to revert to two-way working. Opportunities appeared from inspections for LCN+ and CSH routes that pass that way. In February 2014 there were hints of a possibility of change because the junction is one of those under review by TfL. CCC position on CS11 and Swiss Cottage January 2014; CCC evaluation of five options July 2014. Consultation published as part of CS 11 Spring 2016 and in Autumn 2016, TfL decided to go ahead with a major change. Read more about the details of this campaign
Holborn Junctions
Camden has already upgraded two of the dangerous junctions in Holborn, completing the Southampton Row-Theobalds Road junction in early 2022 and the Procter Street- High Holborn junction in Summer 2024.