Paul said he rediscovered cycling at 45, did London – Brighton and other charity rides, then tried cycling holidays (e.g. Back Roads tours). Then on a 1000 mile ride in New Zealand in 1999 he met people who recommended BAC ( a non-profit, volunteer supported, bicycle touring club with tours in US and Europe.
Paul has done 11 BAC rides and showed their official presentation, then his own photos of two rides. Most riders are from USA and have plush bikes – Paul now has frame separators for his bike and packs it in a box.
BAC provide a van for the luggage but not repairs; detailed route sheets; days 50-80 miles; participants are encouraged to lead rides; Paul will organise one next year at Belvedere Hotel Riccione in Italy.
Paul showed us photos from the following trips:
June 2006: Salzburg – Venice through the Dolomites – over high pass at Gros Glockner with 10% average climb up. Many families in Austria cycle recreationally. Beautiful meadows.
p>2005: Colorado to Grand Junction. Higher peaks than Dolomites. Views of valleys, ski towns, cliff dwellings, description of downhill ride in a blizzard.
James thanked Paul for a very stimulating talk which should make us feel like touring although some of us thought the distances a bit challenging and others prefer to organise our own trips.
Thanks are due to Helen for providing the projector and PC. Photo Lionel Shapiro.