The consultation refers to a long-term aim to remove the Holborn gyratory within which there is very little provision for cycling.
In the meantime it proposes some long-awaited safety measures at the Vernon Place junctions and some mainly pedestrian improvements at the Holborn tube station junction.
Vernon Place junctions at Bloomsbury Square and at Southampton Row
As the consultation document acknowledges, from 2013-2016, two cyclists have been killed in Vernon Place by left-turning motor vehicles, one in 2013 at the Southampton Row junction and the other in 2015 at the Bloomsbury Square junction. Two other cyclists were killed in 2008 and 2009 at the Southampton Row junction.
It is sad that we have had to wait so long for these safety measures but they are very welcome and appear to be very thorough.
Vernon Place/Southampton Row junction
– Ban the left turn from Vernon Place into Southampton Row to all vehicles except cyclists.
– Extend the bus lane on Bloomsbury Way-Vernon Place to the traffic signals with Southampton Row. Taxis would continue to be permitted to use the bus lane as well as the adjacent traffic lane. (Why?)
Bloomsbury Square
– Close Bloomsbury Square to motor vehicles at both junctions with Bloomsbury Way- Vernon Place.
– provide two-way access by motor vehicles to both sides of the square from the north side
Southampton Row / Kingsway/ High Holborn junction (outside Holborn Tube Station)
The casualty record is very poor at this junction with 21 collisions in three years involving vulnerable road users. These included the death of a cyclist in 2013 to the east of the junction.
These following proposals are designed to address the peak time demands from pedestrians using Holborn Tube Station station.
– install a diagonal pedestrian crossing
– widen the footways by using space gained by removing one lane of motor traffic on the eastern approach to the junction. .
Unfortunately, this design makes no attempt to provide for the people who cycle on this route. The only possible benefit being one fewer motor traffic lane
See the consultation on Camden’s website:
CycleScape discussion
CCC’s response
Holborn Junctions Road Safety and Public Realm Proposals – CCC response
Officers Response
See this page on Camden’s website
Decision in favour of going ahead made by Cllr Adam Harrison on 13th June. CCC deputation in support led by John Chamberlain