The London Society aims to provide a platform for the debate on how London ought to develop, and to go with our theme of ‘change’ in 2021, we will have a strand of articles on the blog called “Change: Opinions” – polemical pieces that make a case for a radically changing some aspect of the status quo or of received wisdom.
Here, Jon Burke formerly a Hackney Councillor, and the Cabinet Member for Energy, Waste, Transport and Public Realm, argues that on environmental, medical and social grounds, drastic action has to be taken against the motor vehicle in London. Part 1 (below) looks at the scale of the problem, and part 2 addresses what we need to do. You can download the whole article here (PDF).
When confronting the failure of successive Governments to respond to the growing threat of German rearmament in the 1930s, Winston Churchill described it as ‘the decade that the locusts hath eaten’ [1] . Though there are significant differences between those troubled years and our own times, there are also striking similarities.