Camden Council installed Pop-up cycle lanes on York Way last summer and is now consulting on making them permanent with many improvements including:
- Replacing the temporary ‘wand’ segregation with new raised cycle tracks
- Adding blended crossings over side roads and parallel (Tiger) crossings over York Way to help with cycle right turns into and out of side roads
- Retaining the shared use bus boarders and the bus stop bypass as well as adding a second bus stop bypass
- Retaining the new junction layouts at Market Road and Freight Lane as well as building the proposed improvements at Agar Grove and Copenhagen Street.
This scheme may attract hostile responses from the motor lobby and we want to make sure that there is a majority in favour of the consultation. We therefore ask you to fill in the On-line survey. The deadline for responses is 20th September but why not do it now, it shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes.
We suggest that you reply along the following lines:
Q8: “Strongly Agree” – to all of the proposals
Q9: “Agree” – to the first group of six points – you can leave the remaining Q9 points blank
Q10: Give a reason why you like it, e.g.: “Riding up York Way is so much easier with the new cycle lanes” If you can think of something orginal, then officers will be able to quote it in their report.
You can read about the consultation on Camden’s website.