The second attempt with 2022 data to September
View the map. The Google Sheet on which it is based is here
The first attempt with 2022 data only to June
View the map. The Google Sheet on which it is based is here
Bike Shops and Mechanics
View the map. The Google Sheet on which it is based is here
Notes on setting up the sheet
Import the data in the .csv file to an empty Google Sheet. It should be in Sheet 1.
Make sure Lat and Long are in lower case
Insert column on left edge. Insert two rows below the first row. Then in first column
RowType |
MapTitle |
FieldStyle |
Insert a new column (B) for Category and put in a concatenation of Year and Severity
Insert another new column (C) for PinColour and assign a colour for the first instance of each category
Fill in MapTitle and FiledStyle – use H3 and H4 or p for the fields to appear on the map pins. The first 3 are on the rollover. If you want the column name to appear use *H3, *H4 *p etc.
To put in Camden boundary use another called Layers
More to do:
Column for Legend if you want more than the default
See documentation.