This month we had a guest speaker, Izzy Romilly from “Possible” to discuss the ULEZ expansion, we discussed the Dartmouth Park Heathy Neighbourhood engagement, Rathbone st, CCC social media activity, finding a venue for our monthly meetings, Hill Climb in September & CCC social rides.
Draft Menu campaigns
We want to make cycling in Camden safer for all Protected Cycle Lanes The Camden Cycle Network consists of links on main roads with protected cycle lanes and links on quiet roads through LTNs Junctions To connect the cycle routes together and to cross over major roads Low Traffic Neighbourhoods Quiet roads for walking and… [Read More]
Post from which to load the Camden Stats-19 data and bike shops etc
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Design considerations for bus stops on cycle lanes
On this page we consider issues that have to be addressed for continuously-protected cycle lanes to be installed and used safely on roads with bus stops. Camden Council has adopted a policy to develop a borough-wide cycle network that is suitable for cycling to be used as a safe mode of transport. It is intended… [Read More]