Camden propose to introduce two-way cycling on Adeline Place (south of Bedford Avenue) and Bedford Square (west side). Currently these streets are one-way for all vehicles. They are shown in blue on the map while other roads where two-way cycling was introduced in the past are shown in green (Adeline Place between Bedford Square and Bedford Avenue is two-way for all traffic). The No Entry signs are shown as markers. The proposal to introduce two-way cycling on these streets is very welcome.
Adeline Place is also part of an important walking route in the area, including Great Russell Street which provides a crucial link between the British Museum/Russell Square and Tottenham Court Road.
Camden Council makes the following proposals:
- To introduce two-way cycling on Adeline Place (south of Bedford Avenue) – blue on the map
- The new contraflow cycle lane on Adeline Place will be protected by an extended footway with a tree at each end and a new cycle hire docking station in the middle. The cycle entry (by the blue marker) will be protected by a kerb.
- A new tree and bikehangar will be placed by the existing one on the SE corner build out.
- Also some additional cycle stands
- The Adeline Place drawing is here on Camden’s website
- To introduce two-way cycling on Bedford Square (west side) – blue on the map
- a lightweight treatment with logos and signs (No Entry Except Cycles at the blue marker and a Two Way cycling sign at the other end).
- The Bedford Square drawing is here
We think that an entry treatment at both ends as provided for the south side of Bedford Square would be more appropriate (see photo)
- Continuous footways across Bedford Avenue at Adeline Place and across Great Russell Street at Adeline Place.
The consultation is on Camden’s website
CCC’s response
CCC response to Adeline Place and Bedford Square west Cycle Contraflow Scheme
But the officers report Appendix B fails to include our response. We wrote to them on 9th Feb 2024 to point this out.