Current concerns
Cross Camden Cycleway
Camden’s progress in building protected cycle lanes has been impressive. But attempts to build an east-west route along Pratt Street and Delancey Street in 2015-17 failed at consultation.
We were pleased when Camden made a decision in Sept 2022 to design and build the Cross Camden Cycleway
Joining the York Way and Gray’s Inn Road cycle routes
The York Way cycle route runs about 1.75 km roughly north-south between Camden Road and Wharfedale Road, while the Gray’s Inn Road (GIR) cycle route runs about 1.25 km roughly north-south between Harrison Street and High Holborn. Read more about the campaign here.
Clerkenwell Boulevard
Our proposal for “Clerkenwell Boulevard” was launched in summer 2013; this became part of LCC’s proposal for “London Boulevard” – a route from Old Street to Tottenham Court Road. For a while, it was also under consideration by TfL in their StreetSpace proposals as the Holborn to Old Street route.
Camden decided in July to implement protected cycle lanes on Clerkenwell Road following a consultation in March.
The western end on Bloomsbury Way and Theobalds Road is included in the Holborn Livable Neighbourhood scheme which was awarded funding in 2019, put on hold during lockdown and has now been released.
Northern Spur
Whitestone Pond
See CSS and CTS and compare what’s been achieved with targets
2013-2019 saw good progress in building protected cycle lanes on Royal College Street and Pancras Road, Tavistock Place and then Midland Road.
The Streetspace scheme in 2020-21 together with the completion of the West End Project resulted in a tripling of the length of protected lanes to ~24km including pop-up cycle lanes (protected by flexible bollards) in Prince of Wales Road, York Way, St Pancras Way, Chalk Farm Road, Hampstead Road and Grays Inn Road; while stepped tracks were completed Gower Street–Bloomsbury Way. A further 2km of pop-up lanes were added on Haversock Hill in 2022.
2022-24 saw the replacement of flexible wands by stepped tracks: Prince of Wales Road eastbound was completed by the end of 2023. Work is well on the way on York Way, and Chalk Farm Road; and has just started in St Pancras Way. Constructing stepped tracks (below the footway and above the carriageway) is tricky, involving adjusting the drainage and deploying a special machine to ensure the final surface is smooth.
Tavistock Place
Recent consultations on cycle routes
- Shaftesbury Avenue Safe and Healthy Streets Consultation
- Goodsway Healthy Streets Consultation
- Holborn Vision
- Clerkenwell Road Safe and Healthy Streets Consultation
- Crowndale Road Cycle Lanes
Progress in making cycle lanes permanent
This chart shows Camden’s progress in replacing flexible bollards or Orcas with stepped tracks or kerbs.
Camden’s first example of pop-up cycle lanes was in Tavistock Place westbound in 2015 with Orcas. Since 2020, cycle lanes including Prince of Wales Road eastbound, York Way and Haverstock Hill have been installed with flexible bollards.
Progress in building new protected cycle lanes
Map showing the protected cycle lanes
Larger Map.