CCC Minutes February 2004
Arrangements for AGM, party for Paul, borough group forum, Daniel’s report on lccpec meeting, rides, WDS, plans for bike fest and bike week, treasurer report, wcrsag, consultation issues
CCC Minutes January 2004
Def of coordinator role, CCCs tasks, best use of volunteers, groundwork funding, Brent Cross, helmets bill, Talk by Kevin Mayne
CCC Minutes November 2003
CCC Meeting 10 November 2003
CCC Minutes October 2003
Progree LCN routes in Camden, treasurers report, Kings Cross development area, LCC cycle parkiing and carriage working group,LCN+ in Camden, cycle route in High Holborn, WDS, Somerstown safety, SLL progress, Road safety scrutiny panel, Regents Park
CCC Minutes September 2003
Regents Park, Camley Street report, CCC technical policies,Car ferr day, Camden town bike removal, discussion with Doug Amer
CCC Minutes June 2003
Bike week update, theft and thuggery, Royal parks, consultations, Belsize Park calming