The six locations of the cycle counters; caveat as to mopeds/scooters; how the counters work; early validations
Average weekday cycle counts January – December 2004
This shows a plot of the average weekday cycle counts at different locations in Camden during 2004. Sadly, the counters were decommissioned early in 2005.
Tips and Guidance for cyclists
Written by Paul Gasson (2004)
Byng Place Survey-02-04
Survey of attitudes to SSL carried out in Byng Place, February 2004.
Designing for Cyclists
Paul Gasson 2004
Cyclists and traffic islands: June 2003
This policy was devised in reponse to consultations on Prince of Wales Road and on Highgate Road.
Why speed cushions are cycle unfriendly, and how to minimise their impact: November 2002
Speed cushions, Why they are not a cycle friendly measure, and how to minimise their impact Why are speed cushions bad for cyclists?
Reallocate from road space
not from pedestrians
Highway Works Blocking Cycle Tracks: March 2002
On 7th March the entire Royal College Street cycle track at the Plender Street junction was fenced off, preventing use of the track by cyclists. This appeared to be due to works associated with the installation of a speed table at that junction.
The Relevance of Climate Change to the Future of Cycling
Mayer Hillman