Before responding to a set of fourteen on 28th November, we made some notes and established a policy
Initial ideas based on the points below:
- Camden’s Transport Strategy says “For essential trips that still require motor vehicles, to provide an expanded network of Electric Vehicle Charging Points (EVCP)” so there is an implication that even EVs are undesirable but it could have been more explicit
- Do not encourage provision of EVCPs as electric vehicles are not a solution to London’s car-related problems of pollution and unfair allocation of scarce road space.
- Where needed for essential users they should be off-street, in car parks etc
- Reject on any main road that is on Camden’s Proposed Cycle Network unless part of a cycle scheme with parking and EVCPs outside the cycle lane.
- Or on any one-way street that may need a contraflow cycle lane although it may be acceptable on the with-flow side.
- On residential roads with car parking, the charge point and feeder must be on a nib in the road
- But must be well away from junctions and crossings
- On footways a Pedestrian Comfort Level assessment must be undertaken, and the residual comfort after the charger has been installed can be no lower than a B+. We will specify clearance of 2.5m to follow LLS.
Here is the set consulted early November
Source London 14 Sites Camden early Nov 2019
And here is our response
CCC Response to ECVP consultations Nov 2019
And then our response to a proposal for South End Road.
CCC response to EVCP consultation South End Road Nov 2019
Traffic Order Jan 2020 in which all of the above were listed here.
That is, Camden officers ignored our objections to those that were on future cycle routes or on very narrow footway