TfL journey planner was used to calculate times to travel from 2 and 3 miles away by crow fly. Cycling took about 20 and 30 mins respectively whereas bus/train took an hour or more in most cases.
Summary of Segregation discussion -02-07
Summary of discussion on mailing list
Potential of Hampstead Heath for safer routes to schools (October 2006)
News written October 2006 with input from 10 schools (October 2006)
Cycle counts Hampstead Heath October 2006
Results of counts done 8-9 am and 3-4 pm on a weekday and 3-4 pm on Saturday
Judd Street and Midland Road. April 2006
Judd Street can remain two-way and cycling in both directions on Midland Road: when Midland Road is re-opened only taxis, buses, service vehicles and those picking up passengers should be given access.
Baynes Street Survey Sept 2005
Following the cyclist fatality at the junction of Baynes Street and the cycle track in St.Pancras Way, CCC carried out a survey
Camden’s Cycle Route Network
Introduction Camden Council has a relatively dense cycle route network with around one cycle route every 4-6 blocks in the southern half of the borough (Kentish Town & southwards), to one route per 8-10 blocks in the northern half. The network has two grades of cycle route: those belonging to the London Cycle Network (LCN)… [Read More]
LCN Route 5. David Arditti, August 2004.
Preliminary submission to the CRISP process on behalf of Camden Cycling Campaign. (2.4Mbyte pdf file)
Tips and Guidance for cyclists
Written by Paul Gasson (2004)
Byng Place Survey-02-04
Survey of attitudes to SSL carried out in Byng Place, February 2004.