We have been campaigning for ‘permeability’ for many years. Mostly this consists of the following exceptions for cycles:
- two-way cycling in one-way streets;
- allowing cycles to make a turn (e.g. left or right) that is forbidden to motor vehicles;
- cycle gaps through islands that are used to limit turns for motor vehicles;
- replacing gates with bollards.
We have collected people’s suggestions and plotted the 1-way streets as red lines and other snags on the map below. When the cycle exceptions have been implemented, we change the red lines to green lines. Clicking on a line will provide access to further details.
In summer 2017 and again in November 2020, Camden Council asked for further suggestions for ‘Quick Win’ permeability changes. In the case of two-way cycling in one-way streets, they are looking for streets where a ‘lightweight scheme’ will suffice – one that won’t require marked contraflow lanes: just signs and road markings. We sent all non- complicated suggestions on the map below – which has gained some new suggestions which we have sent in. Progress in 2021 was very good with twenty new permeability measures installed. You can see progress year by year on this page.
History of how and when Camden implemented permeability schemes
Cycling Plan fourth revision 2008
Camden’s revision of the Cycling Plan was published in September 2008.
CCC had asked LB Camden to include the improvement of permeability as a target.
- Target 15: The Council will seek to create new pedestrian and cycle links across existing barriers that make walking and cycling more attractive, and will work with the Camden Cycling Campaign to identify new links.
November 2008 WCRSAG (Walking, Cycling, Road safety Action Group)
CCC presented a case for cyclists exceptions in quiet one-way streets and provided Camden Council with a list of suggestions for eight initial suitable locations, concentrating mainly on the area south of Euston Road. These were additional to streets already identified for contraflow cycling in the CRISP on Seven Stations Link.
Case for one Way Exceptions for Cyclists
Then at Feb 2009 WCRSAG, Chris Nicola responded with prioritised list, which indicated that one (Roger Street) might not be feasible and misunderstood which part of Argyle Street we referred to.
Prioritisation of one way Cyclist exemptions (Chris Nicola)
8 September 2008 complementary measures for London cycle Hire Scheme
For Sept 2009 WCRSAG, Chris Nicola provide the list of schemes that would be funded as complementary measures for the Cycle Hire scheme. This list included five of the one-way exceptions requested as well as several contraflow schemes for the Seven Stations Parallel route.
More proposals for permeability
Oct 2009 at CCC meeting Sam Monck said he wants to encourage CCC to extend their list of permeability measures.
Nov 2009: WCRSAG. CCC to ask Camden to inform us as to when other one way exceptions on our list (Princess Road NW1 and the extreme western sections of Patshull Road, Gaisford Road and Caversham Road, NW5) might be implemented and the prospects for any we add to a future list. Chris Nicola reported that Camden is looking for funding for the Kentish Town proposals
Dec 2009: Meeting with Daniela Pometti and Dave Stewart to see designs for Percy, Bayley, Bedford Square and Millman Street (a route through the square to Great Percy Street with southbound contraflow in Great James Street.
Dec 2009. Chris Nicola gave JD notes on a site visit by officers. Disappointed that for the quiet streets Gower Place, Endsleigh Gdns, Kenton/Handel Street, officers had not taken on board the idea of allowing cyclists to use quiet one way streets in both directions, without the need for segregated facilities or cycle plugs. Rejected Guilford Street as not possible with Russell Sq proposals – will make left turn for cycles only at Bernard St. Huntley St – design cycle access with hire station. Charlotte St to be considered later. Explained about Howland two-way to Chris who said this and crossing to Capper St would go with TotCt Rd two way. Regent Sq – misunderstanding – it should be two-way for all.
Notes on meetings with DP/DS and CN
Spring and Summer 2010
Complementary funding from Cycle Hire Scheme:
- used for consultations on Bedford Square, Bayley Street and Percy Street on SSL relief route as well as Endsleigh Street. All are now implemented
- Great James Street (not our idea!) and Regent Square (two way working) failed at consultation. We are urging the council to try again on the latter with two-way cycling on west side. Regent Square eventually implemented March 2012 with others in the area.
- Huntley Street – was combined with cycle hire station and the latter rejected. Two-way cycling to be reconsidered,
Other two-way cycling schemes:
- Princess Road – consultation July 2010, implementation December 2010. Using new No Entry with Cyclists Exception.
- Gower Place – not suitable for lightweight treatment, but urging council to find funding to make a scheme on the very wide footway.
Study of City one-way exceptions for cyclists
Summer 2010
Sought further suggestions for permeability measures. All were plotted on the map shown above
CCC submission of ideas for Local Implementation plan 2010-14
We collected all the permeability suggestions, the danger spots listed in 2007 and outstanding things from all our CRISP Reports.
Submitted to Camden Council August 2010
December 2010 – December 2012
Dec 2010: Camden plans to review the entire area boarded by Euston Road, Judd Street, Sidmouth Street and Grays Inn Road for opportunities to allow two-way working for cycles only. See our suggestions.
Dec 2010: Camden asked for our ideas on two-way cycling in Fitzrovia. See our suggestions.
June 2011:
Camden consulted on some permeability measures related to Camden Town improvements. Plender Street contraflow implemented July 2012. Greenland Road to be implemented December 2012. Waiting for Hawley Crescent.
June 2011: Camden asked for our ideas on two-way cycling in West Hampstead and Kilburn. See Notes on discussion with Camden.
November 2011: Camden consultations on two-way cycling in Kings Cross, in West Hampstead and in Fitzrovia. All successful with minor omissions.
March 2012. Scheme in Kings Cross area implemented. CCC informal audit.
July 2012. Fitzrovia scheme implemented. CCC informal audit. Warren Street to be implemented December 2012.
October 2012. West Hampstead scheme implemented. CCC informal audit.
December 2012. Dukes Road to be implemented. Consultation May 2012. Implementation summer 2012.
April 2013: Closures against motor vehicle access in Warren Street and Earlham Street. These were complex schemes, not on our list. Illustrated news item.
August 2014: Kentish Town permeability (Kelly Street and Wolsey Mews).
Autumn 2017: On Grafton Road at junction Prince of Wales Road, cyclists exempted from ‘no right turn’ bans in both directions.
September 2018: Caversham Road, Inkerman Road and Camden Square west. Illustrated news item.
May 2019: St Cross Street and Saffron Street. Illustrated News Item
August 2020: Grove Terrace, Mornington Terrace, Laystall Street, Gaisford Road and Patshull Road. Illustrated news item
November 2020: Cressy Road south, Fleet Road from Cressy Road to Lawn Road, St Paul’s Crescent, Linstead Road
December 2020- January 2021: Huntley Street, Richbell Place, Bedford Avenue, Warren St west, Whitfield Street SW end.
January 2021: Chenies Street, Store Street east, Endell Street, Grape Street, Coptic Street, Huntley Street, College Place, Grafton Way(W), Tottenham Street, Windmill Street. See illustrated news item
Later in 2021: Bedford Square (S), Hastings Street, Tonbridge Street, Bidborough Street, Drury Lane, Neal Street, Earlham Street, Mercer Street, Shorts Gardens, Monmouth Street.